Welcome to Ghosting It Forward 2023!


Positively Impacting People
with Something Positive


Ghosting It Forward is a neighborhood tradition of leaving a surprise package on a neighbor's front doorstep. This can be a gift of candy, a pumpkin, a bottle of wine, a personal note, or some other small gift along with a ghost drawing on a single piece of paper and instructions on how to 'Ghost' the next person. The instructions tell you to put a copy of the ghost drawing on your front door, so everyone knows you have been 'Ghosted' and then make copies of the ghost drawing and instructions and 'Ghost' three other people in your neighborhood.

Pay it Forward + Ghosting = Ghosting it Forward

Ghosting It Forward is taking Pay It Forward + Ghosting + a few extra ideas and share Ghosting It Forward with both neighbors and friends in other cities to spread the word.

We recommend that you 'Ghost' two neighbors anonymously and send via email to one friend.

Of course, if you get excited by the idea, you could have fun and 'Ghost' three people every day until Halloween! It is very fun and exciting to gradually see your entire street and neighborhood with the ghost drawing on everyone's front door.